5 Comics You Should Catch Up On Over Winter Break

Between the family arguing over where Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ranks in the franchise’s top 5 […]

Between the family arguing over where Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ranks in the franchise’s top 5 and the myriad of football games, Christmas themed parades, and long discussions over which episode of Alf was the best, there are always a few bits of downtime.

What better way to spend those than getting caught up on some comics you’ve so rudely neglected over the last few months. No better way to start 2017 off the right way than by hopping on board some fantastic series, and it gives you an excuse to spend some of that Christmas money that’s burning a hole in your pocket.

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Here are the 5 comics you should catch up on over winter break.


One of Marvel’s most underappreciated books happens to be Spider-Woman, and if you happen to be one of the people ignoring it, you should really rectify that.

Dennis Hopeless and company have created a delightful cast of supporting characters for Jessica Drew and her new baby, including her ongoing friendship with Captain Marvel, which always manages to implement some fun chaos into her daily routine.

Spider-Woman also happens to be one of the funniest books in Marvel’s arsenal, and typically keeps things self-contained, not requiringย four other books to make sense. You don’tย even have to start at the beginning of this current run to appreciate, so the sooner you hop on the bandwagon the better.

Spider Woman
(Photo: Marvel Comics)


Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps

The Green Lantern books pretty much fell off a cliff after the events of Blackest Night. Instead of giving readers a bit of a break, DC kept launching into one event after another in the Lantern books, and many fans suffered considerable fatigue because of it.

Robert Venditti’s run on Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps has brought back everything you love about the Lantern mythos while still finding places to add a few new wrinkles. The big difference here is that the stories (thus far) have been contained to the Green Lanter books, and he’s exercised restraint when it comes to the other corps and extraneous characters. The two focal points are Hal and the Corps, and he never loses sight of that.

It’s the best the franchise has been since before Blackest Night, and if you’ve taken a sabbatical from the Green Lantern mythos, well, it’s time to come back home.

(Photo: DC Comics)


Green Valley

Green Valley is one of the most pleasant surprises of the year, and it never goes the way you anticipate.

When you think you’ve got a handle on the Knights of Kelodia,ย the book takes a major swerve, and keeps you hooked for the next issue. It’s a tale of brotherhood and friendship, with just a bit of the fantastical to liven things up.

Witty dialogueย and intriguing character fill this medieval world, and it deserves to be on your reading list this year.

(Photo: Image Comics)


All New Wolverine

Fans weren’t sure what to expect when the mantle of Wolverine was passed down to Laura Kinney, but what has followed is one of the best Wolverine titles in some time.

A big reason for that is the addition of Gabby, who has allowed the creative team to showcase more of Laura’s character. She’s a mentor and a parent in many ways, but Gabby isn’t your everyday teenager, and her past gives the two a unique dialogue that can’t be found anywhere else. Plus, any book that has a literal wolverine named Jonathan (Gabby’s pet thanks to Squirrel Girl) has to be worthwhile right?

Laura continues to represent her classic moniker well, and you’re doing yourself a disservice by missing out.

All New Wolverine
(Photo: Marvel Comics)


Detective Comics

Batman is well represented in the post-Rebirth DC Universe, and while you have a myriad of choices, Detective Comics should definitely be included in that mix.

The best part of Detective is that it has just enough Batman to keep the longtime fans happy, but the team dynamic allows characters like Batwoman, Clayface, Spoiler, Orphan, and Red Robin (until recently) to get some of the spotlights. Each member has a unique relationship with Batman, and each of those is explored along the way.

If you’ve been a Batwoman fan previously, you’ll absolutelyย adore this book, as it treats her as a respected member of Bruce’s cabinet. Seeing the interplay between them is worth it alone, but the action and team dynamic will keep just about anyone entertained.

Detective Comics
(Photo: DC Comics)
