
Rocket Gets Best Christmas Present of All in Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special


The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special delivers both a Marvel Cinematic Universe Christmas story and a nice continuance of the Guardians’ story in the MCU. Those two story goals do come together at some wonderful points during James Gunn’s Marvel Special Presentation feature – including one comedic callback that also works as a truly endearing and heartwarming Christmas miracle for Rocket Raccoon! 

WARNING: Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special SPOILERS Follow! 

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What Is Rocket’s Present In The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special?

At the climax of The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, the Guardians team and some Ravanger friends all exchange Christmas gifts. Rocket’s gift comes from Nebula, and turns out to be none other than a black Vibranium cybernetic arm with golden highlights – the arm that Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier got and wore during The Battle of Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War!

The History of Rocket Raccoon and Winter Soldier’s Arm


If you need a recap of MCU history: during Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos’ Black Order forces lay siege to Wakanda, in order to secure the Mind Infinity Stone from The Vision. Despite the best efforts of King T’Challa, the Wakandan army, and Steve Rogers’ Secret Avengers squad, Thanos’ army overwhelms the heroes – that is, until Thor shows up to the fight with his new ax, Stormbreaker, as well as Rocket and Groot, who came packing big artillery.

During one particularly furious shootout, Rocket and Bucky Barnes found themselves back-to-back against the hordes, so Bucky used his cyborg arm to lift Rocket up for a helicopter-spin shooting barrage attack, which took down an entire squad of monsters. After the situation quieted down, Rocket stopped to admire Bucky’s gun, asking him how much he’d take for it. When Bucky said his weapon wasn’t for sale, Rocket moved on to his next query: “Okay: how much for the arm?” 

At that point, Bucky had enough and walked away from the conversation. Rocket, undaunted, whispered under his breath that he would “get that arm.” And now he has!

Where Did The Winter Soldier’s Black Arm Come From? 


Bucky Barnes’ decades as a brainwashed Soviet assassin finall came to an end following the events of Captain America: Civil War. Steve Rogers left Bucky in Wakanda, where T’Challa and Shuri could finally deprogram his mind. Bucky lived that era of his life as “The White Wolf” of Wakanda, a humble one-armed farmer. That all ended when Wakanda learned that Thanos was coming to invade the country: Shuri designed Bucky a new Vibranium prosthetic arm, which he wore into battle in Wakanda; during the Battle of Earth in Avengers: Endgame, and throughout the events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

How Did Rocket Get Bucky’s Arm? 


Christmas magic. Or Nebula having an encounter with Bucky Barnes we DEFINITELY need to see at some point. Take your pick.