
Everything You Need to Know About Miles Morales’ Vibranium Spider-Man Suit

Black Panther tells Miles Morales that his new Vibranium Spider-Man costume is the first step in curing his vampirism.

Image Credit: Marvel Comics

Change is in the air for Miles Morales, and it begins with a new superhero suit. The young Spider-Man has dealt with his share of drama over the last year, from a new nemesis named Rabble discovering Miles’ secret identity to being turned into a vampire during Marvel’s Blood Hunt event. It’s enough stress to break down any superhero, let alone a teenager trying to navigate his responsibilities as a student, son, brother, boyfriend, and friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. However, the major problem at the forefront is the aforementioned vampirism. Luckily, help is on the way from the former King of Wakanda, Black Panther.

*WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25. Continue reading at your own risk!

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25 comes from the creative team of Cody Ziglar, Federico Vicentini, Bryan Valenza, and VC’s Cory Petit. Miles has been trying to balance the effects of being a vampire have on his crimefighting, to varying results. Misty Knight, Starling (Miles’ girlfriend Tiana Toomes, the granddaughter of the villainous Vulture), and Miles’ therapist have Black Panther visit Miles to offer his help. Black Panther was also turned into a vampire by Blade, who was possessed by the vampire Varnae, in Blood Hunt. However, Black Panther was able to drive out the supernatural influence.

Before offering his help, Black Panther challenges Spider-Man to a fight to gauge if Miles is too far gone to help. It only takes seeing a small drip of blood from Black Panther’s arm to send Miles into a crazed state. The fight doesn’t last long, and Black Panther comes away convinced he can help save Miles. T’Challa comes bearing gifts in the form of a technically-advanced Vibranium costume.

Miles morales checking out his vibranium suit

Miles Morales’ Vibranium Spider-Man suit is the first step in curing his vampirism

Black Panther informs Miles Morales that the first stage of his treatment plan is a new Vibranium costume. Or, to be precise, “a Vibranium non-mesh interwoven with an internal coaxial, insulated coating.” Miles’ venom energy has been acting as an antibody to keep the vampiric infection at bay. But every time Miles uses his Spider abilities, it drains his antibody reserves and puts a major strain on his body. The Vibranium suit looks to address this by regulating his internal venom energies.

Miles can immediately feel the difference in how his body is reacting inside the suit. The rage and anger are gone, replaced with a feeling of trust he hasn’t felt in a long time. Black Panther adds that the Vibranium insulation gives Miles better control over his powers, though they won’t be as potent as they were previously. Miles can now hold a venom charge for an extended period of time, and the feelings of hunger are also fainter.

That’s not all the new Spider-Man suit can do. There’s a Vibranium mesh to protect Miles from most fatal injuries, lined with a thinner fabric so he can keep his Spider-like agility. And last but not least, Vibranium-laced webbing! You could say Miles Morales has a leg up on Peter Parker when it comes to who has the better Spider-Man powers.

Black Panther teases a secret to helping cure Miles Morales

Starling correctly points out that a new suit is only a bandage and not a cure. Miles will need something more to get his old life back. Black Panther reminds them that the suit is just the first step. “As this is a mystical affliction, a physical approach is not enough,” he says. What Black Panther is alluding to is the true path to Miles’ cure may take him to the fabled ancestral plane, where the spirits of the previous Black Panthers reside.

Unfortunately, Black Panther can’t confirm that’s what he’s talking about because their conversation is interrupted by the Vulture. He is back for Round 2 against Miles, and Vulture is holding a grudge since he thinks Miles is taking his granddaughter away from him. Starling tries to interfere, but Black Panther says this is a trial that only Miles can take alone. Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25 ends with Miles and Vulture in a heated showdown that will continue into the next issue.

What do you think of Black Panther’s gift of a Vibranium costume for Miles Morales? And how will the showdown between Spider-Man and Vulture conclude? Let us know your thoughts on social media @ComicBook!