
8 Deaths of Spider-Man: Marvel Reveals New Look at Doctor Doom-Inspired Suit

Spider-Man is doomed in the new Amazing Spider-Man epic by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness.

“Whosoever touches touches this gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Henceforth, you who read these words, shall become forevermore — a human juggernaut!” So reads the inscription on the Crimson Ruby, which transforms its bearer into the nigh-unstoppable Juggernaut, Exemplar of Cyttorak the Destroyer, ruler of the Crimson Cosmos. 25 years after the eight mystic principalities of the Octessence — Cyttorak, Balthakk, Farallah, Krakkan, Ikonn, Raggadorr, Watoomb, and Valtorr — turned eight mortals into their eight Exemplars (in the five-part “Eighth Day” storyline spanning issues of Iron Man, Thor, and Peter Parker: Spider-Man), Marvel Comics is revisiting the devastating god of destruction in 8 Deaths of Spider-Man.

Marvel has been teasing that Doctor Doom — the new Sorcerer Supreme — will grant Spider-Man eight extra lives in upcoming issues of Amazing Spider-Man, from the book’s new creative team: writer Joe Kelly (Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII) and artist Ed McGuinness (Hulk). Along with a new Doom-inspired Spider-Suit imbued with magic powers (and Jack Kirby-style Doom fists!), Spider-Man will have extra deaths to spend as he battles the deadly Scions of Cyttorak, including Cyrios, Callix and his Crimson Canines, and Cyra. 

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Amazing Spider-Man #61 variant cover by Gleb Melnikov.

Marvel has released solicitations for the first five issues of Kelly and McGuinness’ run on the book, which begins with Amazing Spider-Man #61 in November. You can see a new look at Spider-Man’s Doom armor on the covers below.



THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN BEGIN! The world has changed, DcotorDoom is Sorcerer Supreme, but he has no plans to spend his time like hispredecessor… Each year, Doctor Strange would use every ounce of hispower and experience to save the world from an evil god and his scions.This year, Doom is delegating this task to… SPIDER-MAN?! The leader ofLatveria has given Spider-Man a new, magic-powered suit and EIGHT EXTRALIVES with which to save the world?! True Believer, they won’t beenough…

On sale: November 13th



THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUE! Spider-Man, one death down,faces the next SCION OF CYTTORAK! That’s right, the god Spider-Manfaces is the patron of JUGGERNAUT! Juggernaut is about ten times morepowerful than Spider-Man with only a fraction of Cyttorak’s power! Toquote a wise philosopher… “Uh-oh.”

On sale: November 27th



THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man finds himselfface-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK! Cyrios represents theinevitability of time and takes Spider-Man on a heartbreaking tourthrough Peter Parker’s past AND future in excruciating detail. How manydeaths will Spider-Man spend trying to alter his past and save hisfuture?!

On sale: December 11th



THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Cytorrak’s most dangerousscion, CALLIX, and his deadly CRIMSON CANINES take their turn to inflictphysical pain on Spider-Man. Spidey doesn’t have many deaths left tospend…

On sale: December 25th



THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man has faced fourScions and is running out of extra lives. This issue’s scion, CYRA,represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watcheverything he loves die. Can Spider-Man possibly withstand thispunishment?

On sale: January 8th, 2025